March 25th: Karnataka for Employment Youth Convention

The Youth for Employment movement has been working relentlessly for the past one year in demanding secure employment opportunities and we are requesting your support. Although we wish to see political parties contesting elections around issues such as employment, the agricultural crisis, and a comprehensive idea of development, elections continue to be fought along religious... Continue Reading →

Program Manager @ Profugo Social Ventures Pvt Ltd.

PROFUGO CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT Program Manager Position Description Profugo is a grassroots development organization involved in International Development. Our mission is to provide communities with access to tools and resources that enable them to build a better quality of life. Our vision is creating a world where brighter futures are possible because all communities have... Continue Reading →

Youth Forum In Banglore

Are you tired of rote learning focused on attainment of mere grades? If you stand for the dire need to bring a change in the education system, attend the Youth Speak Forum being held in St. Joseph's College on 20th November. With accomplished speakers like *Anto Philip* (Co-founder of Under 25 Club) and *Rahul Prasad*... Continue Reading →

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