Stop Giving Licence To The ‘Good Guys’ To Get Away With Assaulting Women

Shailendra Rai [2015-17] first posted @ Patriarchy is a well-played game, and I’m the winner of this game just like many other men. I’m saying this because it’s the patriarchy which has made me privileged and powerful – to the point that I can narrate one of my sisters’ story instead of her. Because patriarchy... Continue Reading →

It is possible to change gender norms in India!

Economics in action

Like many other people, my first encounter with gender discrimination is in the life of my mother. She grew up in a (small) city, completed schooling and went to the college and got the job of a clerk in the government in the 1950s. However she was forced to resign the job, and move to a village to lead the married life with five children.

My mother had never accepted this twist in her life. That had shown up in her behavior. As her eldest son, I had severe difficulty in adjusting with it, and that might have played an important role in shaping my relationship with her – a rationally concerned, but somewhat an emotionally aloof, son.

I had female cousins who were closer to me while growing up, and I was comfortable in moving with them freely. I was planning to have a long-term relationship with someone beyond…

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GENDER BENDER 2018 : Call for Entries

Gender Bender is a joint project of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan and Sandbox Collective. The project is conceived, conceptualised, and curated by Sandbox Collective. Now in its fourth year, Gender Bender is the first festival of its kind in India that showcases new works of art around gender, as a concept, discourse, construct,... Continue Reading →

To All Men: Gender Equality Is Not Just A Women’s Issue

first posted @  Shailendra Rai [MA 2015-17] I was born and brought up in a deeply patriarchal Hindu Brahmin family, in a small village in Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh. I have a very strong inclination towards issues around feminism, gender equality, gender-based violence, masculinity, etc. I became interested in these issues in 2016 when... Continue Reading →

APPLICATIONS OPEN: Gender Sexuality and Rights Institute (SGRI) India (Hindi)

Source: यौनिकता, जेंडर एवं अधिकार - एक अध्ययन फरवरी 19-24, 2018 (नई दिल्ली- हिंदी ) यह प्रशिक्षण, इस श्रृंखला की बारहवीं कड़ी है| प्रशिक्षण के लिए आवेदन पत्र आप यहाँ से डाऊनलोड कर सकते हैं। भरे हुए आवेदनपत्र भेजने की आख़िरी तिथि 25 दिसम्बर 2017 है | 'यौनिकता,जेंडर एवं  अधिकार - एक अध्ययन' क्रिया द्वारा संचालित, एक सप्ताह का आवासीय अध्ययन कार्यक्रम है।इस कार्यक्रम में समुदाय आधारित संस्थाओं में कार्यरत महिलाओं को यौनिकता, अधिकार, जेंडर और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य के वैचारिक सिद्धांतों से अवगत... Continue Reading →

Program Manager @ Profugo Social Ventures Pvt Ltd.

PROFUGO CENTER OF DEVELOPMENT Program Manager Position Description Profugo is a grassroots development organization involved in International Development. Our mission is to provide communities with access to tools and resources that enable them to build a better quality of life. Our vision is creating a world where brighter futures are possible because all communities have... Continue Reading →

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